Faculty Professional Service Support

The Dean for Academic Affairs Office has limited funding to support faculty service to national or international professional organizations.

Examples of such activities include supplementary travel funds (beyond those available in the Faculty Conference Travel Fund) to attend meetings related to elected service on a national board of a professional society or editorial meetings for a journal for which you are an editor, student assistance to help with mailings or other office work associated with a professional appointment, etc.

This fund is not intended to pay for professional dues, nor any activity already supported by existing faculty research or curricular funds. The nature of the activities should be at the national or international level.

Award Amount:
     Up to $6,000, spread over a term of appointment to a maximum of 5 years. Due to limited funding, faculty may receive a maximum of one award in 5 years.

Application Deadlines:
     Tuesday, October, 8, 2024
     Friday, May 2, 2025

Submit to:

All benefits-eligible faculty are eligible to apply; for visiting faculty, the activity must take place during the term of appointment.